Generative AI and the labor market: the impact on jobs

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Generative AI and the labor market: the impact on jobs

Together with the rise of generative AI software, there’s an entire shift in the labor market, transforming the HR landscape as we know it. Not only will existing jobs undergo changes in their way of working; but new professions will also emerge. There will be jobs to develop, integrate, and optimize generative AI models within businesses, along with training employees to use these technologies effectively and efficiently. 

The World Economic Forum and its latest study “Jobs of tomorrow: Large Language models and Jobs”, provides a comprehensive analysis of how large language models (LLMs) like chatGPT are likely to affect various job roles. As we ourselves are at the forefront of AI changes, we’ll highlight some of those changes in this article.

Automation and Augmentation: A Dual-edged Sword

Generative AI’s most profound impact lies in its dual capacity to automate and augment tasks. Routine and repetitive tasks, often time-consuming and tedious, are prime candidates for automation. This shift promises efficiency but also brings a need for role adaptation.

Conversely, jobs requiring high-level cognitive skills (such as problem-solving and critical thinking) stand to benefit from AI augmentation. This synergy between human intelligence and AI’s computational power can elevate job roles, leading to more innovative and strategic work outcomes. The partnership between the two highlights the need for humans and AI to collaborate effectively, with a crucial role for human oversight.

The Emergence of New Roles

With change comes opportunity. The integration of Generative AI into business products and processes paves the way for new job categories. In the WEF study, there are 3 areas named where new professional profiles will rise. Let’s take a look at what these jobs look like and how they might impact your business!

  1. Trainers
    These are basically the ones who will develop AI. Think about programmers, scientists, and engineers. E.g. developing large language models (LLMs), creating customized microchips for these LLMs, and maintaining server infrastructure, …
  2. Explainers
    This group of new profiles will focus on making generative AI accessible to the broader public, like interface designers, and UX designers. They will think about the way user input is received by AI software (spoken word, prompt, file upload, …), but also invent types of “personalized AI assistants, tutors or coaches”.
  3. Sustainers
    Sustainers will make sure that AI systems are used in the best possible way. Those are your content creators, data curators and ethics and governance specialists. They will create best practices to use those AI models in the field, figuring out which data sets work best, and how AI isn’t rising to become human’s worst enemy. 😉

Redefining Skills and Learning

The advent of Generative AI necessitates a fresh look at skills development and continuous learning. As routine tasks get automated, there’s a greater emphasis on soft skills like creativity, emotional intelligence, and strategic thinking. Organizations must invest in upskilling and reskilling their workforce, aligning employee capabilities with the evolving demands of AI-augmented roles.

The HR Perspective: Adaptation and Strategic Planning

For HR professionals, these developments signal a need for adaptive strategies. This includes reevaluating job descriptions, rethinking recruitment criteria, and fostering a culture of lifelong learning. HR must also play a crucial role in managing the transition, addressing concerns around job security and ensuring a smooth integration of AI into the workplace.

Conclusion: Embracing a Future of Collaboration

The future of work, as shaped by Generative AI, is not about replacing humans but rather about enhancing human capabilities. It’s a future where AI and humans collaborate, leading to more efficient, creative, and fulfilling work. For HR, this means not only adapting to technological advances but also shaping them to create a workforce that is resilient, agile, and ready for the challenges of tomorrow.

It’s with these challenges that we can assist you. As an early adopter of AI technologies and an expert in generative AI implementations, we firmly believe in this partnership between humans and AI.

So embrace the future challenges, we’re here to guide you.



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